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Meet The Team: Introducing Eileen Gail


We're very excited to announce that we have a wonderful new team member at Homecare Scotland! Eileen Gail joins us as our Head of Complex Care and will be based in our Glasgow office, as well as being out and about on site and networking at various care events, so please do say hello if you get the opportunity to! Eileen very kindly participated in the following interview with the marketing team so you, our Homecare Scotland family, can get to know her a little bit better.


Hi Eileen,


Welcome! We're absolutely thrilled to have you as the latest member of our team. 


Firstly, could you let us know a little bit about your background in home care?


Hello and thank you for having me. A little about me, I’m a Registered Nurse, I have worked in vascular, general surgery and oncology for many years.  I left the NHS and worked directly with Macmillan Cancer Support, I worked as a Cancer Information Nurse Specialist for 5 years and then progressed to become a Senior Nurse with Macmillan.  This is where I developed all my managerial skills, I still carry a love for oncology and Macmillan and utilise this skill set whenever possible.  I then became the director of Nursing and Complex Care for a private company.  I found my passion for providing gold standard care to those who would historically have been in an institution or clinical setting.  It gives me goose bumps to think that we can give one person our undivided care and attention.  I would forgo a tea break on the wards to put in a patient’s rollers (not that I was any good at it!), but I knew this wee five min job would make them feel more like themselves.  In Complex Care at Home, we have the ability to do this, to meet the clients needs in a holistic manner not with in the confides of a clinical, routine driven ward or setting.  We also have the privilege of keeping our clients close to their family and loved ones, allowing our clients to remain in the family circle and home comforts. This gives me the passion and drive to keep doing what we do.


Having been with Homecare Scotland for a couple of weeks now, is there anything that has really stood out to you about the company and/or our team?


Passion.  Passion from the office team and passion from the carers.  The care staff I have met go above and beyond, the passion and care they show the clients they care for really is something else.  It makes me proud to be part of that team and at times it has made me feel quite emotional .  If I had a loved one requiring Complex Care at Home I would want carers with the passion and drive that the carers from our team show.


What are you most excited to get involved in at Homecare Scotland?


I’m really excited to get involved is growing and developing our Complex Care at Home business, while maintaining and strengthening the work we already do.


We'd love to learn more about you, what do you enjoy doing in your free time outside of work?


Outside of work there is never a dull moment, I’m a mum of 2 (insert taxi driver and bank machine which I’m sure is pretty common amongst us mums!), I have 2 dogs, a golden retriever Levi and a miniature wired hair dachshund Hector (both boys intentionally to try and balance out the hormones 😉).  I love weightlifting and training, I’m currently working towards being able to lift a total of 340Kg over my bench press, dead lift and back squat.  When I go to the gym this is my time, the phone goes away and I use this time to reduce my stress and unwind. I love interiors and love being creative for eg. planning my daughter’s birthday parties (I love a theme!), baking their cakes etc but unfortunately, I don’t have as much free time to be more creative, so I’d love to work on this.


Do you have any exciting plans or goals for 2024?


2024 my goal is to become better at skiing.  Hit my goal of lifting 340kg over the 3 disciplines. Work wise, my goal is to settle in and become part of the Homecare Scotland Team and help us grow and develop as a team.


Thank you so much, Eileen! We really appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. We can't wait to continue getting to know you!



If you or a loved one are looking for care at home services, please do not hesitate to reach out to Homecare Scotland at or call us today on 0845 643 2610.



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