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Meet The Team - Compliance Officer, Matthew Wozniak


We want you to get to know our internal support staff so we recently spoke to our Compliance Officer at Homecare Scotland and wanted to share a bit about Matthew and his role within the whole company.

Do you have a nickname?

No I do not

Tea or Coffee?

Definitely a tea, preferably white, green or red

Do you have any unusual skills/Party tricks?

No, not really

What’s your favourite Snack?

A good old-fashioned bar of chocolate

Dogs or Cats?

2 years ago I would have said cats, but now without a shadow of doubt, dogs.

Any plans for your next holiday?

Isle of Skye and then off to Tatra mountains

When did your Homecare Journey begin?

I started back in July 2021

What's your typical day like?*

I look at suitable CVs and making contact with applicants as well as looking after the compliance for our active staff.

You're the Compliance Officer, why is it so important to Homecare Scotland?

I make sure we have good candidates that come on board and are all 100% compliant meaning they are ready to provide great care.

What’s the best part of your day?

Mornings and offering someone a job.

What’s the worst?

Meetings that are too long.

What makes you proud to work at Homecare Scotland?

The current recruitment situation at the Aberdeen branch.

If you had to summarise Homecare Scotland in 3 words what would they be?

Challenging, Focused and Adaptable

Thank you for catching up with us, Matthew, and if you are interested in working for a company that cares then visit our website ( and apply now!



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